Why I Believe in the Next Generation

There are moments that I ask myself, “Why am I in student ministry?” It is a valid question and sometimes the answers isn’t the easiest one to come up with. Students today are being labeled as narcissistic, self-centered, lazy, procrastinators, filled with passion and little action. These labels can be very disheartening. But every once in a while, you find something or see something that makes you think, “THIS is why I want to work with students!”

I recently stumbled across a video that did just that. Here’s the video.

This video gives me hope and that the next generation can make a difference. They just need a little support and guidance and inspiration. And I am convinced that this generation can and will be one of the most influential generations the world has ever seen. If we allow them to dream and help them carry out their dreams, who knows what will happen. Will you believe in them?

What have you seen that inspires you about the upcoming generation of students?